Exercise A Positive Attitude To Solve Unexpected Problems

Categories:  Blog, equipment, Exercise, Healthy Living, Physical Fitness

How you react when faced with unexpected situations, such as delays, issues or set-backs, determines the state of mind.  Completing projects with out a hitch is great, but always plan for the unexpected and be ready to face or resolve the issue.  On a positive note:  When the unexpected happens, your mind starts to spin the thought process and the creative juices begin to flash ideas in your mind.  These flashes pop while the brain is exercising its thought process by looking for a solution. During this workout, look around and your eyes will focus on what the mind is thinking. Example:  This video shows an unexpected hole in a cement drain tile, that needs to be fixed before covering it with dirt. Rather than run out and buy some wire mesh, rods and a couple bags of cement, I looked around to see what I could use that would work just fine. In the end, I didn’t spend any money or lose time running around.  Everything I needed to fix the problem was right around me.  Learn to use what’s available around you and the natural things God has provided in nature.









Real Life Benefits From Reviving a Pond – phase 2

Categories:  Blog, equipment, Exercise, Physical Fitness

Using a heavy duty vintage pic hoe to remove the top layer of grass and roots; for an all around shoulder workout.  To help ease back strain form tossing the dirt, a rope and tarp is used to drag/slide the dirt up into the trailer. Using a tarp to move dirt incorporates the leg muscle.  Throughout this workout, I drink lots of water, snack on protein full foods and wear a weight belt to protect my back from stress.



Choosing The Right Equipment For Nature’s Outdoor Fitness Workout

Categories:  equipment, Exercise
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Summer is here, time to prepare the lawn and garden tools, which we’ll refer to as equipment.  Yard work is a great way to shape and tone body and muscle.  Starting with hand tools;  specifics you’ll want to consider when look for your next piece of equipment.  Similar to using barbells and dumbbells in a gym, each piece of equipment works a different one or more muscle groups. The following video examines each tool and the purpose for its use. With the right fitness and exercise gear and a healthier mind, body and soul, yard work will never be the same.

Exercise & Build Muscle Doing Yard Work With The Right Tools

Categories:  Blog, equipment, Exercise, Physical Fitness
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Yard and house work is a good way to exercise and build muscle at the same time. As a young boy, I despised cleaning my room, cutting the grass, raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc. It wasn’t that the work was difficult, I didn’t see any benefit or reason to do it. Today, a bit older and wiser, yard and house work has become my main source for physical fitness, exercise and bodybuilding.

Uncle Jim, Calyb & Connor

As your doing things, anything, around the house, think about what muscle your using. Concentrate, with each move, on the tightening and relaxing of that muscle. Believing your building a healthier mind, body and soul puts a whole new perspective on doing house work.

These are some of my favorite work-out equipment. Made for common everyday yard and house work, many tools have multiple uses. Add tape and splints to strengthen areas that are prone to snapping, cracking or breaking, when under lots of stress. Be creative, turn your tools into fitness equipment and your yard into a gym. It’s much easier and beneficial to exercise at home for an hour or two, compared to driving somewhere else.