Get Out Get Dirty Get Fit

Categories:  Exercise, Healthy Living, Physical Fitness

Getting outside and doing yard work doesn’t have to be a chore, duty or even boring. The issue of liking or disliking yard work is irrelevant; it’s a way of thinking, not doing. Your mind is a very powerful tool and your mind-set (how you think, see or hear) determines the positive and negative response, action or answer to any given question, scenario and situation.  Take a positive approach and think about the benefits of working outdoors.

Benefits of Outdoor Chores:

1. Get my  daily exercise – stay fit

2. Feels good inside to visually see accomplishment

3. Stretches, Tones and Builds Muscle

4. Burns Fat – Weight Loss

The point here is:  “THINK positive, BELIEVE in yourself  and ACHIEVE anything”

Now, shut off the television, stop the game,  put the iPod down, get off the computer and get outside and appreciate Nature and all she has to offer you!

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